A bit about Ash:

Ash is 24 years old, and the oldest of eight children. He grew up homeschooled, and has self-studied for much of his life. He has a variety of topical interests ranging from religion, politics and culture, to world travel, video games, and food, most especially cheese.

Ash politically identifies somewhere between Voluntaryism and Mutualism, however he’s no expert. Overall, he is an independent.

Ash is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, born and raised. He had an inactive spell for a while but as of now he is relatively strong in the faith. He currently holds the office of Priest, and has no callings at this moment.

Ash is originally from the USA, and has lived in Sweden, Malta, and now Italy. He has also stayed and spent time in France, Mauritius, Czechia, Denmark, Spain, England, Germany, Croatia, Hungary and Turkey.

Ash seeks to make sense of the world, and is ever diving into new and deeper thought about the meaning and purpose of his life, and trying to understand the lives of those around him. He can often be observed “zoning-out”, and is easily thrown off if his train of thought is interrupted.

All in all, Ash is yet another human attempting to understand life. One could even say he’s currently just another “20-something year old thinker.”

Who Am I?

Hi, I’m Ash!
I’m a young and tired thinker-thunker who has a lot on his mind.

And so, in June of 2022, I created this persona so that I may put thoughts into words.

As some have asked, “why are you tired?” well, to say the least of it, life is tiring. My mind is tiring. There’s too much going on and too much to process. I myself need to think in order to function, but nowadays there’s so much to think about in my life that I have been regularly overwhelmed, and so, I need an outlet.

Not that I’m complaining, I do enjoy thinking, as well as overthinking at times, however there are times when the “box” becomes excessively overfilled.

Admittedly, life became too crazy for me to come up with material for three social platforms, so here we are, a website to be used as a stage, and my socials as loudspeakers.